INFN Genova - NF ChAMBRe
Unique features of the site from a scientific standpoint: ChAMBRe is the only atmospheric simulation chamber in Italy. On the international stage, ChAMBRe stands out for its study and characterization of atmospheric aerosols, particularly the carbonaceous and biogenic components. ChAMBRe is equipped to investigate the optical properties (scattering and absorption) of primary aerosols (both fresh and aged) and secondary aerosols, as well as the interactions between bioaerosols (especially bacteria) and other atmospheric components, including gaseous pollutants and other aerosols. For a more detailed description, please refer to the website
Available instruments:
Gas and aerosol inlets
Bio-aerosol nebulizers (BLAM, COLLISON and SLAG by CH-Technologies)
Monodisperse aerosol generator (TSI 1520)
Vacuum system (down to 10-5 mbar)
Sampling ports for filters, impactors and continuous samplers
3 – SUN Solar Simulator (Xenon arc lamp) coupled with a custom quartz window and equipped with AM1.5G filter
Fiber-optic spectrometer (grating 200 – 1091 nm), Avantes
Gas analyzers (O3, NOx, CO/CO2, SOx, BTX)
Real-time aerosol monitoring (APS,OPS & SMPS- TSI)
Bioaerosol on-line spectrometer: WIBS-NEO
3-λ photo-acoustic system (PAXS, λ =870, 532, 405 nm)
CASS and 7-λ aethalometer
Aurora 4000 Nephelometer
Aerodyne ACMS
Aerosol samplers (13-stage Nano-Moudi rotating cascade impactor for size segregated analysis, Battelle Cascade impactor)
Bio-aerosol-specific samplers (Andersen-type cascade impactor, liquid impingers)
Automatized petri-slides exposer
Soot generator: Miniature Inverted Soot Generator, Argonaut Scientific Corporation.
Gas diluter (eDilpro 230, Dekati)
Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (ED-XRF) Epsilon 4 by Malvern Panalytical
Ion Chromatography for anions, cations and sugars;
Multi-wavelength optical system (MWAA) for non-destructive determination of Black and Brown Carbon;
Two-wavelength Thermo-optical analyzer of TC/OC/EC (SUNSET lab with home-made upgrades)
Basic biological lab equipment allowing for culture analysis in vitro (isolation, identification, growth) and biochemical tests (e.g. catalase and oxidase): autoclave (Asal mod.760), vortex, centrifuge and microcentrifuge (Eppendorf centrifuge 5417R), water purification system Milli-Q- IQ 7003 (Millipore-Elix), incubator for temperature control Ecocell and Friocell MMM Group, Steril-VBH Compact “microbiological safety” cabinet, Thermo electron corporation steri-cycle HEPA Class 100 incubator;
Light and phase-contrast microscopes (Olympus CK2, Nikon Eclipse E200) for micro-organisms size, shape, colony morphology, characterization;
Optical microscope (Nikon Eclipse TE300) for bacterial detection and live/dead discrimination by epifluorescence with specific dyes and for immunoassay fluorescence to label antigenic bacterial target, fluorescent molecule or enzyme.
Link to laboratory website:
Massabò et al., AMT, 2018, doi: 10.5194/amt-11-5885-2018
Danelli et al., AMT, 2021, doi: 10.5194/amt-14-4461-2021
Vernocchi et al., AMT, 2022, doi:
Massabò, Prati, et al., in Practical Guide to Atmospheric Simulation Chambers, 2023. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-22277-1
Crawford et al. Atmosphere, 2023,
Vernocchi et a., AMTD, 2023,

- Paolo Prati: prati at
- Dario Massabò: massabo at
- Federico Mazzei: federico.mazzei at
- Virginia Vernocchi: virginia.vernocchi at